Saturday, October 27, 2007

Once again-a very interesting exibition at 2121designsight!

Once again this designmuseum are setting up a very interesting exebition. The exebition feels very modern and interactive. Both me and Theodor(my son, 5 years old) was very amused with what we saw and what we could interact with. The same with the great exebition "Future beats in Japanese Contempary art"show on the Mori Art musem at the Roppongi building. Amazing also. See info further down.

Some info about the water exebition at 2121designsight:
'Water' curated by Taku Satoh
How can design provide a useful tool with which to navigate our social and natural surroundings? A team of individuals from a wide spectrum of fields examined many of the ways in which humans and water intersect. The goal of this exhibition is to offer the visitor an all-encompassing sensory experience using design as a medium through which to offer a new perspective upon water.
The Mori Art Museum:
“Roppongi Crossing” is a series of exhibitions produced by the Mori Art Museum to introduce Japanese creative talent working in a wide range of genres. The first in the series was held in 2004 – and is to this day used as a reference point for contemporary Japanese visual culture. For “Roppongi Crossing 2007” four curators focused on the idea of 'intersection,' selecting 36 artists whose work has an energy and sphere of influence that spreads beyond the confines of conventional artistic categories.


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